"What is a sitemeter?" you may ask. I'll tell you!
The sitemeter tells you how many hits you have received on a given day, and if you go to "By Details," it will list more information about those hits. Most of the time, it will tell you where the people behind those hits were located. Click on the number beside the server listing. And. . .here's my favorite part!
If the person is not from Austin (i.e. doesn't just know the site itself), you can look at the bottom, and it will tell you what the person searched to get here.
Usually, these make sense. Someone searches a scripture or a phrase and pulls up a sermon or a reflection. But last night, I was looking, and someone got to our blog from googling "phobia of long appendages!" Hilarious! So random!
I immediately knew how we came up in that search. In one of the sermons last month, I had talked about my fear of daddy long legs. One sentence says, "Their long appendages awkwardly feel around in every direction. . " And another says, "So my phobia works this way. . ."
I wonder why someone would search "phobia of long appendages."
So I dare you to google it. We come up as the second item! And now that I'm writing this post, we'll probably come up as the first. Wonderful! I put something about it in my Facebook status. And today, a person from Purdue also googled it and got here.
I love it!
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