We are very excited about a project that is currently energizing us all at Austin Agape!
On Sunday, every person who attended Evening Worship was given $10 bill and sent out with a challenge: “Start a ministry with this $10 bill.”
Students are invited to use their money on their own or pool it together with others to engage in mission over the next three weeks. That means that they will be asking themselves and one another, "What needs to we see around us, and how can we take action to address those needs?" At this point, twenty-five people are participating. They are currently journaling their experiences, and we hope to share them with the congregation once our challenge is over.
We have two simple goals in the project. First, we want to discover how big a difference a simple $10 bill can make, and second, we are excited to discover ways that we might continue to provide ministry to one another and those in need. Stay tuned to discover what happens!
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