Maundy Thursday
Join us on Thursday, April 9th at 7:30 in the Sanctuary for a very meaningful Taize service. We will remember Jesus' last night and last meal with his disciples, focusing on the account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
Good Friday
1) At 12:00 in the sanctuary, there will be a service of Word and Music. The Passion story will be read and organist Lisa Chung will play in between the readings.
2) At 2:00, we are invited along with other campus ministries of the University Interfaith Council to participate in walking the Stations of the Cross around the 40 Acres area.
3) At 7:30, the UPC Chancel Choir will lead us in a service called "The Words from the Cross."
Saturday Easter Vigil
At 8:30 pm, all are invited to Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary's Easter Vigil on the seminary campus. The service will travel to several places on the grounds and is very meaningful. A celebratory feast follows the service.
Easter Sunday
1) The first Easter celebration service begins at 9:00 am and will have communion.
2) Hot Cross Buns will be served in the Courtyard at 10:00 am.
3) The second Easter celebration service will begin at 11:00 am.
4) The Austin Agape Easter Picnic will be from 12-3.
It is a busy, meaningful week for us. Please join us!
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