To celebrate Easter, a group of us went to the Easter Vigil at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary late Saturday night. It was a very moving service that celebrated the mystery of the Resurrection and its meaning for our lives.

On Sunday, we worshiped together at UPC, continuing to celebrate Easter. Afterward, some of us went to Renee and Ian's apartment for a potluck lunch!
How was Easter meaningful to you this year?
"Easter was a good wake up reminder of God's continued presence in my life. I had the chance to take more time to be with people I care about and focus on the Resurrection and the Love it embodies. I'm often so busy, and I don't make enough time to allow these reminders to occur enough."
-Tiana Won, Sophomore

"It has shown me different ways to experience God in my life and a new perspective on Easter after attending the Saturday Easter Vigil. It was also great to meet and get to know other people my age who are on their journey with Christ, which I have never really had the opportunity to do before."
- Taylor Engle, Junior

"This Easter has increased my understanding about what it means to be a Christian. Specifically it has made my understanding more concrete. I now understand the dependence of Christianity on the resurrection and that it is not simply a mechanism for social justice."
-Jeffrey Stump, Sophomore

"It was the first Easter that I really thought seriously about the Resurrection story and what it means for my life. At the vigil on Saturday night, I found myself getting somewhat uncomfortable every time they mentioned it, which I knew was silly - that's what Easter
is, that's what I was there for. But I realized that I didn't understand it at all. I was facing the cornerstone of Christian faith, attempting to comprehend the greatest mystery of all. And I had no idea what it meant. So now I have something to consider over the next year."
-Merrit Martin, Sophomore

"A time to let go of all the little things, to look past the distractions, and come back to the heart of my faith & the relationships & people that truly, ultimately, foundationally define my life & being."
-Patrick Garvin, Senior
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