Sunday, May 17, 2009

$10 Mission Project: Books for Kids!

On Friday, eight of us from Austin Agape went to Half Price Books to participate in the $10 Mission Project. We bought books for children in grades K-5 for a local tutoring and mentoring program.

We chose a good number of books for the kids from the back corner of the store. There were so many to choose from!

We were able to buy $70 worth of books! It's amazing what you can do with a little when you put it together with others.

Alyssa is a volunteer at the tutoring program, and she took the books to the supervisor. The supervisor was absolutely stunned and said that we had made her day!

The $10 Mission Project has taught us that we can really do something with a small amount of money. Way to be faithful and way to be creative, everyone!

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