The Micah 6 Coalition is a network of faith communities that are located around the University of Texas. It includes partner churches who provide services for the community. In their connections, the churches are able to help people holistically with various needs.
Who are the partner churches?
1. All Saints Episcopal Church provides assistance with rent, utilities, food, workboots, and bus passes. The members of the church also help provide birth certificates and IDs.
2. Congregational Church of Austin (UCC) opens its doors as a freeze shelter when the weather is cold. The members of the church also provide food for youth ages 10-23 for the VinCare Services Meal Program.
3. St. Austin Catholic Parish offers financial assistance for rent, utilities, food, and medication through the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The members of the church also assist the Congregational Church of Austin (UCC) with the VinCare Services Meal Program, and they have a Thursday outreach that helps with work boots, ID's, clothing vouchers, eye exams and glasses, medications with a MAP card, and financial assistance for utilities. They also open their doors as a freeze shelter.
4. University Avenue Church of Christ provides financial assistance and offers a Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday mornings.
5. University Baptist Church has a free dinner on Thursday nights and houses the LifeWorks Meal Program for young people.
6. University United Methodist Church has a clothes closet, and they provide breakfast and lunch on Saturdays.
7. And! University Presbyterian Church now has several opportunities for service - and that includes you. On Tuesday mornings, we provide financial assistance for rent and utilities. And. . . our congregation now houses the Micah 6 Food Pantry.
The Food Pantry is held on Thursday nights from 6:00-7:30 and Saturday mornings from 10:30-12:00. We could use your help as volunteers. If you are interested in helping, please contact Renee at upccampus@upcaustin.org.
And there are other churches invovled too!
First English Lutheran Church and University Christian Church are founding partners. Hyde Park Presbyterian Church, Central Christian Church, and Southwest Family Fellowship are contributing partners.
See what amazing things can happen when we work together!
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