Hi Everybody! I thought I would give you a little update from the Campus Ministry Committee and let you know what we have been working on.
This semester we are really excited to be starting up the Adopt-A-Student program once again. We haven't done this in a few years, but it is a ministry that many people in the congregation are interested in. The college program is something that many members of UPC really appreciate and many people are interested in getting to know all of us better. If you want to be adopted just let us know. There are many members who I sure are willing to provide you with whatever you need.
Bible Study is still going strong on Monday nights at 7:00. The group is now studying Acts and would love it if you come join.
This Semester we have been doing some exciting things together including the Fall Retreat which we would like to again thank the Starks for letting us use their place.
Coming up we have an trip planned for November 14-15 to the lake house of John and Suzi Parker. It should be a much needed weekend break, so come for some of the time or all of the time and have fun with us.
Another thing going on this semester is our new attempt at becoming known as the cookie people. Several of you have already enjoyed handing out cookies on the UT campus and we would like more of you to help out. It's not hard, we just ask people if they want a cookie. It makes lots of people really excited. We are also thinking about starting a four square game at UT some day to help the students take a break. It's our way of getting ourselves out there with out getting all up in people's grills.
Like I said with the Adopt-A-Student program it is one of our goals this semester to become more connected with the people right there at UPC as well. Another way we hope to get connected if by helping out. There are many great ministries at UPC and every single one of them is doing great work to help the homeless or the hungry or the sick so we have started to invite groups from the Church to come to evening worship to tell us a little about their ministries and how we might be able to help out. Keep an eye out for these people so that you can get more involved. If you have heard about a group that you want to join, but you don't know who to talk to let me know and I can help out.
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful semester and if there is anything that I or the Campus Ministry Committee can do for you let us know and we would be glad to help you out. Please let us know if you have any ideas!
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