Friday, November 28, 2008

A Note From Renee

I am thinking of you, and I'm hoping that you've had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Ian and I have enjoyed our visit to Indiana, and we're looking forward to seeing each of you when we return.

The weather has been cold here but much warmer than an average for this time of year. I will look forward to returning to the 70s in Austin, but I have enjoyed the excuse to wear my favorite coat. We never get to wear our coats in Austin.

I would like to share a prayer concern with you. Ian and I had to take my Dad, Leroy Foster, to the hospital this week. Several of you know that my Dad has a lot of health concerns with his kidneys. Since August, he has been receiving dialysis three times a week. We are grateful that dialysis makes him healthier, but it certainly takes a lot of time for him. Each treatment takes about five hours of his day.

He developed a staph infection this week from the dialysis treatment. We took him to the hospital on Wednesday, and he has to spend Thanksgiving there. He will be there until we leave, so he unfortunately had to miss out on a lot of our visit.

We appreciate your prayers of concern.

Ian and I send our love, and we look forward to seeing you soon.


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