Moving away to college allowed me to experience many new changes in my life. Between having a dorm room as my new home, learning to live with a roommate, and experiencing all the opportunities that UT and Austin have to offer, I also had the chance to search for a new church and church family.
I attended Grace Presbyterian Church in Temple, Texas for my entire life. After moving to Austin, it was only natural for me to seek a new place to worship during my college years. I visited UPC my first Sunday in Austin, with the attitude of finding a "temporary church." However, it only took a few weeks for me to realize that UPC would become much more than a substitute church. It would become a new home.
The one thing that drew me to UPC was how every member of this congregation strives to share his or her faith in any way possible. This church offers its members many incredible opportunites to glorify God. UPC has allowed me to share my love for God by singing in the UPC choir, volunteering at the food pantry, and being an active member of the campus ministry, Austin Agape. It's impossible to become complacent in your faith here at UPC. This church has forced me to challenge my convictions and ponder my faith, two processes that have helped me grow as a person while also deepening my faith in God. Not only has this church served as a place where I can escape claesses and the stress of so many new beginnings, but also it has served as a venue for forming long-lasting friendships and forging a stronger relationship with God.
Drew Gerdes, Sophomore
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