Sunday, February 7, 2010

Souper Bowl Sunday!

On Sunday, UPC gathered and shared meaningful worship together. And it was a special Sunday on our calendar. Super Bowl Sunday? Yes. But more importantly for Sunday morning, it was Souper Bowl Sunday!

Each year, the youth from UPC take a special offering. It's called the Souper Bowl of Caring. This offering has been taken annually across the country since 1990, and it all began with a simple prayer one day as the youth group from Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina met. The prayer was this: "Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat." And an idea came from that prayer! What if members of churches and individuals around the country gave a few dollars on Super Bowl Sunday to be used locally to fight hunger?

This year, our youth raised a record amount, and the money will be distributed to the Micah 6 Food Pantry and the Manos de Cristo Food Pantry. Byron is excited as he unveils the offering: $988.38!!!

Our church also enjoyed a lovely potluck lunch after worship as we met together for our Annual Congregational Meeting. The food was lovely. Thanks to everyone who brought dishes and desserts, and a special thank you to Peggy Budd who helped organize this event.

At our meeting, we elected church officers, elders and deacons who will serve us for the next few years. Guess who we elected to be our Campus Deacon? Our very own Merrit Martin! We are grateful for all the ways she will serve us and the wider church.

All in all, it was a GREAT Souper Bowl Sunday!

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