Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bible Study: Who Are You Called To Be?

We began our Campus Bible Study last night with some fun, creative games of Ping Pong! We're grateful to be a community who finds so many wonderful ways to play.

And we also had a meaningful time of reading and discussing scripture. This semester we are thinking about concrete ways to put our faith into action. We're discussing the many ways we are all called to ministry, both as individuals and as a community of faith.

Last night Merrit lead us through a meaningful discussion of Jeremiah 31. And we asked ourselves and one another, "What gifts do we see in our community, and how might God use us to restore others to healing and wholeness?"

We passed around sheets of paper with our names on them. And we each wrote words of affirmation for one another. What gifts do we see in each other? Our time together was very meaningful.

Renee and Merrit are co-leaders of our Bible Study for the first part of this semester. Merrit is a junior at the University of Texas. She is studying Spanish and Religious Studies. She recently completed a semester of studying abroad in Argentina, and she has also been elected to serve as our Campus Deacon for the 2010-2011 academic year. We are so grateful for her leadership with us!

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