I hope everyones' week is off to a great start.
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Food for Thought last night! We had a great turn out and the meal was delectable! Our next gathering of this kind will probably be sometime around the holidays, so look forward to that.
Also, I am pleased to announce that we have a date and venue for the Fall Retreat! Our retreat will be held Oct. 16-17 at the Stark's Sports Ranch in Dripping Springs! I know that some of you had planned to travel to Nebraska (Godspeed) that weekend for the UT/Nebraska game :( I wish we could have had our retreat during the by week (Oct. 11-12) but neither John Knox nor the Starks' Ranch was available that weekend. I can't wait for the opportunity to really spend some time with everyone! Please EMAIL me if you're interested in attending!
We have a lot going on this week! Here's a look at some of our events and opportunities for fellowship:
Monday - Bible Study at 7 pm in the youth room upstairs at UPC. Last night I told you that we'd be watching "The Apostle" but I was unable to get my hands on it, so we're watching "Up in the Air" instead. Come, even if you've seen it. We'll be discussing the ways in which time is meaningful to our lives. (Fear not, popcorn will be on hand!)
Monday - Bible Study at 7 pm in the youth room upstairs at UPC. Last night I told you that we'd be watching "The Apostle" but I was unable to get my hands on it, so we're watching "Up in the Air" instead. Come, even if you've seen it. We'll be discussing the ways in which time is meaningful to our lives. (Fear not, popcorn will be on hand!)
Wednesday - Wednesday at Wendy's from 11 - 1 on the patio (weather permitting) outside the UT Commons.
Also on Wednesdays, look for us at the Plucker's on Rio Grande for trivia night! We'll try to beat last week's score of 16 correct answers (out of 50)! We need all the brainpower we can muster, so join us if you can!
Friday - Lunch at Kirby Lane at 1 pm. We had an excellent turn out last week! And I think meeting at 1 helps us get seated faster.
**This is very important** If you were at Evening Worship last night then you heard Beth Vivio speak about how our students can contribute to our church's capital campaign. We need volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up our Fiesta Lunch on Sunday, September 19. That's this Sunday! PLEASE come if you are able! We need 5 - 10 volunteers to help with our lunch. Email me and let me know if you can be there.
I will be out of town this weekend. I'm leaving Thursday afternoon and won't be back until Sunday afternoon, so I'll miss lunch at Kirby and the Fiesta Lunch :( Fortunately, Shane and Sarah Webb have stepped up and agreed to be point persons for our Student Volunteer Operation on Sunday!
I will be keynoting at the East Texas Youth Connection this weekend; a conference for Presbyterian youth who are forced to live in East Texas ;) Just kidding. But hopefully some of them will want to join us next year if they come to UT!!
In other news, Taize is coming! Our first Taize service of the year is September 26th at 7 pm. We need musicians and an opportunity to practice before our first service. Judy, unfortunately, is not able to play the piano for us this month :( If you are interested in singing, playing the piano, or another instrument, please let me know!
I will be keynoting at the East Texas Youth Connection this weekend; a conference for Presbyterian youth who are forced to live in East Texas ;) Just kidding. But hopefully some of them will want to join us next year if they come to UT!!
In other news, Taize is coming! Our first Taize service of the year is September 26th at 7 pm. We need musicians and an opportunity to practice before our first service. Judy, unfortunately, is not able to play the piano for us this month :( If you are interested in singing, playing the piano, or another instrument, please let me know!
I know that was a lot of information! Thanks for bearing with me! Please join us this week for some fun (even if you can only stop by for a moment or two); we can't wait to see you!
Grace and peace,
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