Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ORANGE you coming to Campus Dinner this Sunday?!

Well folks, this is it… School is (almost) in session!!! The Drag has been completely overrun with students and their parents; needless to say, it’s been a bustling place around west campus these last few days!

If you’re wondering how to spend your last night of freedom, then wonder no further and wander over to Spider House this evening (8/24) at 8 pm! We’d love to see you there!!!

If you can’t make it to Spider House tonight then join us for lunch tomorrow between 11 am and 1 pm in the food court. Meet us on the patio (unless it’s WAY too hot, then we’ll move inside).

Thank you to everyone who joined us for dinner and worship on Sunday night. We had a nice crowd for our first week and we’re hoping for even more new and familiar faces to join us this Sunday! I’m not sure what Barbara’s cookin’ up, but one thing’s a given: it will be hot, tasty, and delicious!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come, welcome our newcomers, and catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while!!!

AND… This is important… WEAR ORANGE ON SUNDAY EVENING!!!! Let’s kick off the school year in style and spirit! Wear your UT gear. All of it. A PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED TO THE PERSON SPORTING THE MOST BURNT ORANGE!!!! I can’t wait to see what all of you come up with!

Remember: dinner starts at 6 pm; followed by worship at 7 pm.

ALSO, our campus bible study - which, I am pleased to announce!, will be facilitated by Josh Gahr - will begin Monday, August 30th at 7 pm in the youth room upstairs at UPC. We are so grateful to Josh for his leadership and for the gifts and graces he will share with us this semester. Josh is a graduate of Austin Seminary where he was President of the Student Body his senior year; he’s currently an English teacher and the editor of a wonderful publication called “The Common Voice.” Come, join the conversation, and allow your faith to be deepened with new ventures and challenges! Our study will begin Monday, August 30, 7 – 8:30 pm.

Have a fabulous week, everyone! I can’t wait to hear about the blunders and unexpected surprises (that’s kinda redundant, forgive me) that the week will hold J

See you soon!

Grace & peace,


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