I guess I should start as the Spring semester came to an end. I had some big decisions to make, but some even harder problems to solve. My first big decision was whether or not to even attempt to finish the semester. As most of you know I was injured and not being able to use my leg made finishing my classes very difficult. However, I decided to finish hoping and praying I would not do any more damage to my leg. I remember my friend Merrit telling me I need to stay off my leg and let it heal. Along with some of classmates who were also concerned I decided to finish the semester after all. It turned out to be the best decision I've made in a long time. Not only did I finish, but I actually won 3 first prizes for my work including "best of fashion photography", "best of portrait photography", and "best of restoration". To say the least I would have been happy if my photos even made it in, I've never won anything before! In addition I made a 4.0 this semester which made my jaw drop! I think that's only happened once before!
However the most memorable and certainly most humbling moment was about to happen. I've heard, like so many, about God's love and grace. However, I can't say I've ever really felt it. I've always felt like an outsider trying to fit in or find my place. In addition I was struggling financially because I do not have health insurance and I knew how important healing my leg would be for what I hope my career as a photographer will be. As I made plans and a lot of negotiating with my health care providers little did I know what my friends were planning. I finally figured out how to pay for my surgery, and although it would mean going deeper in debt, my family and I made it happen. About a week before surgery I spoke to Renee and she mentioned something that brought me my knees. Apparently, the group had raised money for me, to help with my expenses.
Never in my life have I ever been so blessed by so much kindness and love. I honestly believed that I didn't really matter to anyone other than my parents. I thought I was just another member at UPC. I honestly believed I had to do everything on my own. Thank you is does not even begin to describe how deeply and emotionally I had been touched. Doubt and anxiety was replaced by calmness and confidence. I don't know who exactly did this for me, but I am so very thankful. I had a glimpse into what God's love is truly is. I am very very grateful and I hope someday I may do the same for others.
After surgery I found myself at the mercy and aid of others. I could not walk, feed myself or even get out of bed. Growing up I did not have an opportunity to spend much time with my parents, so this was a time when that changed a lot. I was blessed to have my parents come and care for me. Some close friends came to visit and helped cure me of being immobile and feeling isolated. Others kindly wrote to me via facebook.
It's a summer that touched my heart. A summer that taught me so much about how important it is to part of a community. I know I can't say this enough but Thank You. This truly was the summer of Thanksgiving.
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