This semester, our weekly Bible Study Small Group is meeting on Monday nights - including tonight! We meet at 7pm upstairs in the Youth Room (Rm. 212). We always start with a rousing game of foursquare! And then we have a meaningful time of study and conversation.

This semester, we're thinking intentionally: What does it mean to put our faith in action? Faith and action. . . that's something we talk about often at Austin Agape. . .But this semester, we want to be very concrete. What are the implications of our Christian faith, and how can we put our faith into action - in our world and right here in the city of Austin.
At our first meeting, we talked about racism and some ways that it how it affects our city.
Last week we talked about Haiti and the challenges that country faces.
Tonight we will

talk about debt relief. Debt is clearly an issue that affects our world. It affects many individuals in our country!
The scriptures have a lot to say about money and a lot to say about debt. In the Torah, there is talk about a special year that cancels debt - the Year of Jubilee.
How does debt affect nation states? That issue is certainly complex, but how could debt relief help developing countries? How could it reduce poverty and inequities?
Come tonight to think through these issues! How can you put your faith into action?
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