Answered Prayers:
"Jane" had her baby. Despite lots of social work, she was not prepared and was unable to keep the baby. However, both are healthy and the baby is safe. Praise for that. Jane has worked through at least part of the grieving for this event.
Helpers have begun to appear. I had a helper stuff the print newsletter this month and have another offering to do it in the future. I have two people offering administrative assistance. I have one helper offering to collect my thought together into a volunteer training program so that I can take prepared people with me to the streets in ministry.
"Luke" has stabilized again into a successful pattern of sobriety and work. He is making plans to manage his money much better this coming semester. He is looking forward to his classes in January.
My co-worker is taking treatments for his cancer and his attitude is wonderful. He's a real fighter. Continued prayers are needed for his full recovery. It's still a long road ahead.
Praise for this email system. Its use has been donated to the ministry. I hope that it will result in simpler management of the mailing lists. People can now sign themselves up and I can allow volunteers to administer the mailing list without using my personal email. The company is Vertical Response.

"Jason" has had significant issues with the justice system but has cleared his name and served his time. He returned to the street this summer and began coming to Bible study. He has seemed distant at times but very clearly has begun to form a relationship with Jesus. This holiday season he is having difficulty with how his family is treating him after incarceration. Pray for him to come to terms with the pain of his experiences and relationships.
"Billy" has huge issues with anger and alcohol. He has very few people who act as any type of support network for him. He recently confided in me how a step-family member used to abuse him. Pray that he can continue to work through the anger issues caused in his past and remain open to the possibility of the Gospel and its healing power.
There are many who seem to be turning more heavily toward alcohol. this month I think it goes with the pain of Christmas for them. Christmas is either a wonderful or terrible season. There seems to be little in between for the street youth. Pray for them to hear the Gospel story one more time during Christmas and for their ears and hearts to be open. Pray that I know how to safely and lovingly work with them, exactly where they are.
A client I worked closely with in drug counseling has been incarcerated in another state. Pray that in this time he will not only become clean but that someone will be there to continue to witness to him. His mother, who came down to Austin to be with her son, has also traveled to be nearer him. Pray for travel safety for her.

Pray that I will continue to have good vision for how to organize volunteers. Pray that I use time well to organize and train volunteers. Pray that it is enriching for the volunteers and makes more time for deeper and more direct ministry to the youth.
It is the peak of end of year fund raising. I don't know really where we are in terms that I usually share with you. In November, we actually had a break-even month. December is tougher because of end of year taxes and expenses. God has been good to SYM this year and will continue to provide. We need about 20 more regular donors, but I'll wait until January to figure out exactly what things look like.
One source of income this year is ending. We are losing a $1600/month because it's time has ended. It's nothing bad... the terms of the income source are just completed. This make one fund raising goal for 2010 clear: to replace this $1600/month. Pray for discernment and networking to the right people who can gladly and joyfully give to fill this need.
I would like to have better relationship and volunteer management skills..One of the best companies in the market for non-profits is right here in Austin, called Convio. Pray for a contact or relationship to develop such that they might donate their software services or help SYM in some way to become a great cultivator of community relationships.
I rarely feel in danger in any way. However, pray that I can continue to move safely among the street dependent and am given supernatural abilities to say and do the right things for His name's sake.
We are grateful to pray in partnership with this ministry.
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