On Sunday, University Presbyterian Church celebrated Rally Day! That's the day when our fall church school programs begin. We gathered in the morning for singing, fellowship, introduction of teachers, and guess what else? A Birthday Party for John Calvin!

Yes, that's Renee behind a John Calvin mask! John Calvin was a very influential theologian, and he was born 500 years ago. So this year marks a John Calvin celebration for us. We are having a six week class about his theology this fall. The Presbyterian Church is very influenced by the writings and traditions of John Calvin, so we celebrate him this year - even with goofy things like masks! Happy 500, Mr. Calvin!

After Morning Worship, we were fortunate to hear the wonderful jazz music of the Central Time Jazz Collective! Thanks, Central Time for providing wonderful music yet again!

And what would Rally Day be without pizza? It's an annual tradition!
Thanks everyone, for a special celebration!
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