Now in case you're new to such a silly phrase, I dare you to say it. C'mon. Just try out loud once. It's so hard. Irish Wrishwatch! Irish Wiswatch! Iris Wishwash! Argh! IRISH WRISTWATCH!
Okay. Now try Irish Wishlist!
It's hard, isn't it? Now the person above is Jason. He has been conquering this phrase since the beginning of CPE. Jason is one of my fellow interns at Seton, and we have made it a daily practice that our first and last words to each other on a given workday must be Irish Wristwatch!
A CPE update. For those of you who are hearing the CPE acryonym for the first time, it stands for clinical pastoral education. Basically I'm interning as a hospital chaplain this summer. I work at Seton Medical Center on floor 4 North. That is the pulmonary and renal floor. I am working with people who have serious lung and kidney ailments. I'm also doing a bit of work on the 7th floor which is oncology. I am dealing with a lot of end-of-life issues on a regular basis, which can be difficult, of course. But I will say that it has been a deep, meaningful privilege to walk with patients and this point in their lives.
I appreciate your prayers. I am enjoying myself and learning a lot. But I will admit that I really miss being at UPC full time. Nine more weeks, and that's where I'll be!
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