My cousin, Patrick, will be starting grad school at UT this fall (in the film school). He is not familiar with Austin and is looking for a place to stay within walking distance from campus, although he would be interested in something in bus distance as well. Anybody know of a room to rent or someone in need of a great roommate? Please contact Sarah French at sbradbur@alum.trinity.edu
-Sarah French

I hope everyone is having a fantastical Saturday! I was wondering who was going to be staying in Austin this summer. Manos de Cristo is a local non-profit organization who does a lot of things for the not-as-well-off in Austin , including this thing called Back to School (BTS). BTS provides clothing and school supplies for underprivileged kids, and its a great program. Last year, in AAUP, we helped organize the clothes for it (which is a monumental task, if I remember correctly, we sorted about 1/3rd of their clothes, and it took allll day). And then, in August, I actually helped with BTS, and it was a blast, and incredibly fulfilling. These kids are SO excited when they get their stuff :-)
So, what does this have to do with you?!?!?! Well, I'd like to organize a group of us to go help out with it this year, maybe organizing, the actual event, or both! However, I need to know who’s going to be here. So, if you could reply to Renee with what your summer travel plans look like at this moment, or what you think they are, I'd appreciate it!
Thanks and Peace,
Alyssa Nipp, Sophomore
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