I've spent the majority of my break back up in the lovely town of Temple. Christmas was a little different for me this year since none of my extended family came up to visit, but it was nice having a close Christmas day with my immediate family! I've also spent a lot of the break catching up with some old high school friends. In Temple there are 2 things to do...go to Starbucks, and go down to Austin, both of which have been done entirely too many times since break started!
Tonight I just got back from an amazing roadtrip out to Phoenix to watch the Fiesta Bowl! On the way there, I got lessons on how to drive through mountain passes in blizzards, which is just a blast. The trip there took a little longer than expected due to the snow, but it was all worth it. On the way home we decided to stop by the Grand Canyon, which is just indescribably beautiful. Luckily the trip home wasn't nearly as eventful. It was maybe a little ridiculous to drive for 4 days for a football game, but it ended up being a great trip!
As for 2009, I'm excited about getting back to Austin, the SKI TRIP!, and eventually moving into an apartment.
Can't wait to see everyone again soon!
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