I've been thinking a lot lately church culture-- mainly, the way we use language. I'm bouncing tons of ideas around in my head, and want to get some opinions from my fellow agape-ites. So I'm going to ask some questions-- and don't worry, they're open ended, and all about your impressions, and feel free to only answer the ones you want =)
What do you think?
1) What was the best Sermon you've ever heard? Why did you like it?
2) What was the worst?
3) Have there even been a sermon that has stood out to you? If not, why?
4) Where do you find you learn the most about spirituality/religion/christianity?
5) When/where have you felt the most comfortable talking about religion? What made it meaningful?
1 comment:
One of the biggest factors in determining my appreciation/affinity for a sermon is its relevance to myself, something I've been going through or thinking about recently, or the world around me which I am or become aware of--either by design because of extra consideration on the part of the sermon's author for being relevant, or just b/c it was relevant out of sheer coincidence. If it's relevant, it's relevant.
I typically find myself most comfortable talking about religion and my faith when I'm around others whom I believe want to be talking and thinking about the same things. I tend to learn about faith/spirituality most from other people--their stories and/or interactions with them.
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