So Ian and I have had a stick-bug outside of our door for the entire day. (It's still there!)
Have you ever seen one? These strange insects are also called walking sticks. They pretty much look like their name. They are very twig-like.
Ian and I named our little friend "Twiggy." (Yes, we're weird).
Stick-bugs are a wonderful example of six-legged camouflage!
Here are some random, hypothetical questions, which will once again prove our weirdness: Do you think that stick-bugs are aware that they look like sticks? And if they are, do you think they like it, or are they somehow saddened to look so commonplace?
Do you think they ever approach real sticks in the hope of obtaining some companionship -- only to realize that their newfound friends are completely inanimate? How sad! What if this happens several times a day, every day?
I realized today that I had not seen a stick-bug in over a decade. That is, unless I mistook it for. . . a stick. But how do they find each other? I don't see them often!
I hope Twiggy finds another bug friend. I'm fascinated by him. (But he creeps me out too).
- Renee
1 comment:
I think this is a very interesting question, because in a lot of ways humans can be like stick-bugs as well. And sometimes we end up being the sticks.
Sometimes when we walk up to people looking for companionship, they look at us with judgemental eyes and ignore us. And yes - sometimes you and I do the same to others. It is human nature to judge with our eyes, so its not something we should neccessarily be ashamed of. However it is good to be aware of it. Perhaps the next time someone, no matter how they talk or what they look like, comes up to us - we should aknowledge their existance and accept their friendship.
Isn't this what Jesus did, and taught us to do? Did he not befriend a tax collector - who many considered a man of evil who did not deserve friends? So often we got lost in our own lives we forget that there are others out there - stick bugs - who may look awkward at first, but have a lot to offer in this world and that really just want someone to love them the way Jesus loves us. In my opinion, that is the message of Jesus Christ. That is his code. When someone new comes in to our lives, we should mentally close our eyes and open our hearts - and then we will see the true beauty of the human race - the stick bugs. :)
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