Every week, we meet near the Wendy’s in the student union between 11:00 and 1:00 (either inside adjacent to Wendy’s and Quizno’s, or outside through the doors next to Wendy’s in the courtyard—usually just depending on the weather which we pick). A lot of us are able to stay long enough to have lunch and share conversation—some rather silly, even ridiculous, and some more meaningful. We’d love the chance to get to see you during the week, even if it’s just to say hi before you’re on your way again to class or wherever. Of course, if you can stay longer, that would be awesome!
The guys discussed starting up a “chat-n-chew” guys’ night out sort-of-a-deal, getting together to go to the batting cages, a driving range, or “the like” one night a week. If there’s an interesting game being televised at a conveniently scheduled time one week, we might opt for a sports bar rendezvous for that particular week. …You get the idea.
On another note, we discussed a recent prediction in the scientific community presented on NPR, warning of a likely extinction of the currently predominant strain of banana within approximately 10 years. We recalled how the currently predominant strain had taken over when its precursor had been ravaged into extinction by disease in the mid-19th century. Will another, more contemporarily-acclimated strain of banana emerge and proliferate—naturally or by means of contemporary cultivation techniques, i.e. genetic manipulation—through a greater resistance to contemporary disease? Stay tuned for that answer, folks! It could take awhile to develop…
Join us next week for more on…W, September 3rd!
- Patrick Garvin
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